18U Try out July 29th Field 1, 5:30 -Check in 5:15
18U Looking for a few players including a Catcher.
16u Exposure Looking to fill one spot. Email for a private tryout.
12U Looking to fill spots. Email for a private tryout
10U Tryout 2nd team ARE ON AS PLANNED
Tuesday July 23rd field 2, 5:30 -Check in 5:15
Warren Township Park:
17801 W. Washington St, Gurnee, IL 60031
For any immediate questions please contact Wave Director of Travel at: mike.mcintosh@warrengirlssoftball.com
Click here --> to Register for tryouts
10U Mike Pauly
10U Chris McAteer
12U Sean Morris
13U Dave Rodriguez (Full)
14UX Rico Asidao
15UX Jocelyn Wechter
16UX Jon Young (Full)
16UX Tina McIntosh (Full)
18UX Kelli Layton
Are you interested in managing a Warren Wave team for the 2024-2025 season? If so, please email: mike.mcintosh@warrengirlssoftball.com
Interest form: https://forms.gle/S9WKKGMSaWzzedVD8
The Wave is a competitive travel girls fastpitch program located in Gurnee, IL. We are a part of Warren Township Girls Softball. For the 2023-2024 season, we will field teams at the 10U, 12U, 13U, 14U, 16U and 18U levels. This past year our teams played in tournaments locally and around the Midwest, including PGF tournaments, open level metro and open level national championships.
For additional information on the Warren Wave Travel program please contact the Director of Travel. If you are a Wave player, parent, or coach needing access to the site details within the Warren Wave page, please create an account by clicking on the top toolbar of the Home page.
Warren Wave will be offering ODM Testing for its 2024-2025 rostered players on Sunday, September 8th, from 9:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Warren Township High School Oplaine Campus. More info to come ,stay tuned...
Below is an info series we post on our Facebook site that may assist with some questions you have about our Warren Wave travel softball program. Follow Warren Township Girls Softball on Facebook for more updates:
Warren Wave is a competitive travel girls fastpitch program located in Gurnee, IL. We are a part of Warren Township Girls Softball. Unlike our In-House fastpitch program, teams are divided by age and not grade level, more like in our All-Stars program. For the 2021-2022 season, we fielded teams in the following levels: 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U.
Wave isn't just about playing softball, it is also about making new friends and enjoying time with your teammates. Each year our organization attends a tournament that all our teams participate in. Wave families spend the weekend hanging out with each other between games. The girls make a door poster and snack basket for a teammate before arrival as part of a tradition to cheer each other on. The weekend is spent playing softball, swimming at the pool and spending time together.
Warren Wave players practice year-round to keep their skills sharp. In the winter months normally two practices are held a week, one at our clubhouse and another inside the field house at the high school.
Our clubhouse is located in Waukegan and is also used on rainy days. It can be split into hitting lanes using nets or opened up to work on fielding.
Warren Wave registration includes six tournaments. One of these tournaments is the Warren Wave Wipeout tournament at the Warren Township Park hosted by WTGS. The tournament is one of the highlights of our season. The teams have a blast walking from field to field to watch games played by Wave teams in all age groups, supporting and cheering each other on. Our 2022 Wipeout Tournament will be held July 15-17
Warren Wave holds tryouts each year to determine their travel teams. We try to field at least two teams for each age group, but this always depends on how many kids tryout and the types of positions they play. What does a tryout session look like? Players are asked to hit, bunt, throw, field balls, and run bases. They are evaluated on things like accuracy, quickness, and mechanics. Pitchers and catchers stay a little longer to try out for those positions.
We try to get back to players as quickly as possible to let them know if they make the team, typically a few days after our last tryout day for that age group. Our tryouts are free and a great time to learn more about the program.
Play for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back.
Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
How you practice is how you play.
The harder the battle the more glorious the triumph.
Its a rough road that leads to a height of greatness.
Winners practice until they get it right, champions practice until they cant get it wrong.
If you want something you have never had before, you have got to do something you have never done before.
If you want something, go get it. Period!!!
21st Annual Northern Ice Summer Celebration PGF-A Tournament